User Interface Overview


The OnRamp user interface is most commonly used to configure OnRamp for a subsequent migration operation executed from the command-line. It is, however, possible to perform all operations supported by OnRamp through the user interface.

Main Window

This is the window displayed when you first start OnRamp:

The entire migration to the cloud is handled on this page. Additional configuration changes can be made on the views on the left of the UI. The other views are described in their own sections of help.

Command Description
Login Log into the user's cloud account to transfer to. The user must be logged into the cloud before the transfer can begin.
Start Migration Once a user is logged into their cloud account, the user data files can be migrated to the cloud following the current preferences and file rules.
View Migration Log After a migration has be run, the log file can be viewed here.
File Rules Add, edit or delete File Rules (see File Rules).
Preferences Displays the preferences dialog used to configure OnRamp (see Preferences).
About Displays version information about your copy of OnRamp.
Help Links to the OnRamp help documentation.