Log Files


OnRamp generates an Operation Log file for each file transfer operation performed by OnRamp.

Operation Log File

The Operation Log file is stored within the OnRamp installation directory under a folder of the user account name within the "Logs" directory. Naming Conventions An Operation Log file is named using this pattern: <user name>_<year>-<month>-<day>_<hour>-<minute>-<second>.html For instance, an transfer performed on for user bob@contoso.com on August 11, 2016 at 1:52 PM would be named bob@contoso.com_2016-08-11_13-52-00.html.

Log File Contents

The following sections are included in the log file:

Section Content
Contents Links to each log file section for easy navigation.
Transfer and System Information Contains OnRamp version, command line used (if any), User Information, and transfer time information
User Information Contains the username of the user logged into the system, cloud username, and cloud server url.
Transfer Time The time the operation started, completed and the time it took the operation to complete.
Configuration Settings The configuration file used, and the configuration settings active for the transfer
File Rules The file rules active for the operation, and details on file counts and results.
File Transfer Details Exact file rules details. All files and directories included in the operation. See File Upload Results for more information.
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File Upload Results

The results column of file upload details varies based on the result of the file upload which can be effected by configuration policies or other situations.

Result Description
Success File successfully transferred to the cloud. This includes new files or files that overwrote an existing file based on Configuration Settings.
Renamed File was renamed during transfer due to policy either due to file name restrictions or file overwrite policy set to keep both files.
Already Exists The file was not uploaded as a file with the same name already exists and file overwrite policy was set to not overwrite or only overwrite if newer.
Skipped The file was skipped due to invalid character or folder length configuration policy.
Canceled The file did not complete uploading as the transfer process was canceled.
Failed The file failed to upload due to an unspecified reason.