Processing Not-Logged On Users


The most common use case for Migration Manager is to run it when there’s no user logged on to the system. This not only ensures that the operation can be performed remotely, but also offers the best fidelity since no applications will be running and thus all application settings will have been stored properly before the operation starts.

Process Examples

Using environment variables and command-line switches a technician can log in to a given workstation and perform an automated extraction and injection of a specified user. The technician simply uses a parameter in the batch file that defines the user to process.

The username is specified when the batch file is invoked. The advantage of using this process is the user does not have to be present during the extraction or the injection, and the technician performing the migration does not have to obtain the username and password of the user that will be migrated.

To extract or inject a personality for a user or users that are not currently logged in to the machine, the user that is performing the extraction or injection must have Local Administrator Rights. Migration Manager also requires UAC elevation on Windows if enabled.

Extraction Example (Invoking the Extract.bat file)

In this example, the Extract.bat file is located on the file share \\MyServer\MigrationManager. The technician can invoke the Extract.bat file from an elevated command-prompt by entering the path to where the Extract.bat file resides.

The user that needs to be extracted is specified after the batch file:

C:\> \\MyServer\MigrationManager\extract.bat mydomain\user1

Extract.bat File when user is not logged in

This example assumes that Migration Manager is available from \\MyServer\MigrationManager. In order to extract the correct user, the /INCLUDEUSER parameter is used.

To build this script, simply take the script from Extract.bat File Example, and replace line 3 with the following:

3.   START /w \\MyServer\MigrationManager\MigrationManager.EXE /autoextract /IncludeUser %1
/config \\MyServer\MigrationManager\configuration.xml

Extract.bat File when user is not logged in
Line 3 - The command has been modified to specify the name of the user that should be extracted using the /INCLUDEUSER parameter. The actual user name must be specified when the batch file is executed.

Injection Example (Invoking the Inject.bat file)

In this example, the inject.bat file is located on the file share \\MyServer\MigrationManager. The technician can invoke the Inject.bat file from an elevated command-prompt by entering the path to where the inject.bat file resides.

The username of the user you want to inject is specified after the batch file:

C:\> \\MyServer\MigrationManager\inject.bat mydomain\user1

Inject.bat File Example when user is not logged in

This example assumes that Migration Manager is available from \\MyServer\MigrationManager. In order to extract the correct user, the /INCLUDEUSER parameter is used.

To build this script, simply take the script from Inject.bat File Example, and replace line 3 with the following:

3.   START /w \\MyServer\MigrationManager\MigrationManager.EXE /autoinject /IncludeUser %1
/config \\MyServer\MigrationManager\configuration.xml

Inject.bat File Definition (By Line)
Line 3 - Performs the automatic injection of the user's personality that was specified when the batch file was invoked. Following the /IncludeUserswitch is a %1. This is the batch file parameter that represents the username specified following the Inject.bat file called from the Start | Run field. It is, again, important to add the /w parameter to the start command.